1. Understand the Business Structure:

Decide on the type of business structure you want to establish (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, branch of a foreign company).

2. Choose a Business Activity:

Clearly define the nature of your business activities. This will impact your license and approvals.

3. Select a Business Name:

Choose a unique and acceptable business name. Our team of professionals check the name availability and ensure it complies with the naming conventions set by the UAE authorities.

4. Legal Structure:

If you’re a foreign investor, decide on the legal structure. You might need a local partner or a local service agent depending on the business activity and the emirate. 


5. Business License:

BZ INN team apply for a business license from the relevant licensing authority in the respective emirates state.

6. Location:

Decide on a suitable location for your business. Free zones offer certain advantages, such as 100% foreign ownership and tax exemptions. Mainland offers 100% ownership now.

7. Registration and Approvals:

BZ INN register your business with the relevant UAE authority. Obtain necessary approvals from other regulatory bodies depending on your business type.

8. Office Space:

BZ INN team arrange for the required office space both zones free zone and mainland, often provide business centers, offices, or warehouses.


9. Visas and Permits:

Our team then arrange necessary visas for yourself and your employees. This involves applying for residency permits and work visas.


10. Open a Corporate Bank Account:

We help you choose a local bank and open a corporate bank account. Requirements may vary, but generally, you’ll need the business license and other relevant documents.

11. Taxation:

Understand the tax regulations applicable to your business. Free zones usually offer tax exemptions, while mainland businesses are subject to UAE corporate tax laws.

12. Insurance:

Consider the necessary insurance coverage for your business, including employee insurance.

13. Compliance and Regulations:

BZ INN team works closely with you to stay informed about local laws and regulations. Compliance is crucial to avoid legal issues.

14. Network and Build Relationships:

Networking is vital in the UAE business culture. Attend business events, join chambers of commerce, and connect with other entrepreneurs.

15. Continuous Compliance:

BZ INN team ensures ongoing compliance with regulations, renew licenses, and meet your other statutory requirements.