The UAE has various visa categories, including work visas, investor visas, and long-term residency visas. These programs often have specific eligibility criteria and requirements. It's important to check with official government sources, such as the UAE immigration authorities or the reliable visa consultant , for the most up-to-date and accurate information on visa programs

Golden Visa:

The term "Golden Visa" typically refers to a special type of visa that is granted to individuals who make a significant investment in the economy of UAE. This investment could be in the form of real estate, business development, or other qualifying investments. In return, the investor is granted the right to live and sometimes work in that country.

Silver Visa:

While "Golden Visa" is a more commonly used term, a widely recognized or standardized "Silver Visa" program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was introduced. Immigration policies and visa programs can change, and new programs may be introduced. It's important to note that each country has its own rules and regulations regarding visa programs, and the terms "Golden Visa" and "Silver Visa" may vary in their meaning and requirements depending on the country offering them.

Contact with BZ INN

If you are interested in a particular UAE visa program, it's advisable to check the specific regulations of the country , as visa programs can change, and may have its own unique criteria for eligibility. BZ INN is your first contact regarding Golden, Silver and other UAE Visas for accurate and up-to-date information..